Weather station
The station measures rainfall and rainfall velocity (rain gauge), wind speed and direction (wind vane, anemometer), temperature, air pressure, UV and solar radiation, and humidity.

Technical Features
- Precipitation in mm and mm/h;
- anemometer in m/s or km/h;
- air pressure in hPa;
- solar radiation in W/m2;
- UV radiation in MEDs;
- humidity in %.
- Anemometer every 2.2 seconds
- Air pressure, humidity and solar radiation every minute
Network: 2G/3G/4G
Power supply: solar panel, 10F rechargeable battery, back-up battery
Autonomy: 8 months without sunlight, more than 2 years depending on the amount of sunlight
Back-up power supply: 3V CR123 lithium battery
Dimensions: 445 x 264 x 406 mm
Weight: 4.1 kg
Mounting method and conditions: Sensor in the open air, not covered (rainfall), no obstacles (anemometer)
Preferably installed on a high point
Mounting: Screws, mounting plate, clamp
Technical Prerequisites and maintenance
Required equipment: 2G/3G/4G data network coverage
Maintenance: Remote supervision by UBY
Device needs basic cleaning by client team twice a year

Examples of platform visuals

Graphs showing changes in wind intensity and atmospheric pressure

Combination of WT1 sensor and weather station
What authorisations are necessary to installing the sensor
Installation permits must be obtained for public structures and listed buildings. These are the responsibility of the customer.
They are not essential for private structures.
Does the sensor comply with GDPR
The sensor, algorithms and software are fully GDPR compliant