Waste traceability – Mantes-la-Jolie railway viaduct worksite


An 800-meter long viaduct is being built at the Mantes la Jolie station as part of the Eole project, dedicated to the extension of the RER E line to the west. The aim of this viaduct project is to improve the flow of trains at this station, which will be used by trains to (or from) Normandy as well as the RER line E. Also, the construction will span the storage tracks of the future Mantes “triangle” as well as those of Les Piquettes, and will separate the different train flows.


On this worksite, the waste to be tracked is composed of inert, non dangerous materials and common industrial waste. The waste is transported to the appropriate outlet to be treated and a part of these waste is recycled.

Key indicator: 1 577 Waste tracking forms created from UBY Soil app.

Start of the project: November 2020

End of the project:  November 2023

UBY solution

  • Filing waste tracking forms from within the UBY Soil application;
  • Sending the waste tracking forms to the stakeholders from the app ;
  • Geolocation of trucks transporting waste to the outlet
  • Creation of reports including KPIs as the number of evacuations done by truck, total volume transported by truck, …

Benefits: The number of input errors was reduced and field teams spent less time filling forms. Less available options translated to less time spent selecting field items.

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