UBY will be meeting you at the 2023 French Congress of Civil Engineering
From May 23rd to May 25th, UBY will be attending the annual French Congress of Civil Engineering in Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
For this new edition, the French Association of Civil Engineering (AFGC), the Academic Association of Civil Engineering (AUGC) and Paris-Saclay University have joined forces to introduce participants to 3 days of sharing their knowledge, skills and expertise.
Their goal ? Assess the driving role that Civil Engineering will have to play with the emergence of research and new technical innovations adapted to the cities of the future, faced with climate change.
To ensure well-rounded exchanges, key players from every part of the French civil engineering ecosystem will be in attendance.
Come meet engineers, technicians, architects, researchers, teachers and students for a collective reflexion on urban planning and maintenance of infrastructures (e.g. buildings, bridges, stations, energy structures, underground spaces).
And more importantly, we will discuss the environmental and societal dimension of the City of the future.
As a national gathering, this year’s edition will honour and feature through site visits two major French projects of the 2020s : the Grand Paris Express and the 131st Olympic Summer Games.
To help you organize your visit, we invite you to check the official program and our projects with the Grand Paris Express: