
(Last updated May 2024)


UBY welcomes you to their website www.uby-group.com.

This website aims to provide information about our Company UBY.

Information and presentations included in these pages are provided for informational purposes and may change at any time without notice.

UBY may not guarantee the precision, exaustive or exact nature of the information provided at all time on this website.

UBY accordingly accepts no liability for:

  • any inaccuracy or omission pertaining to information present on this website;
  • any consequential or indirect damage or loss arising howsoever from use of or access to the site or from inability to use or access the site or from relying on any information obtained directly or indirectly from the site.
  • for any damages, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences.

intellectual property

All the content available on this site is protected by copyright. You may reproduce documents or pages published on this website for your own personal and non-commercial use only. Any such copy must retain all proprietary notices of the copyright owner. The reproduction or use of copies for any other purposes is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. Links or framing in references to the UBY website are prohibited, and accordingly, no material appearing on a page of this website may be distributed, transmitted or inserted into another website, in part or in full, nor used to create derivative products without the express written consent of UBY. Any unauthorised use of the website or any of its individual elements will be considered as a counterfeit and punished by French Intellectual property Law L.335-2


In compliance with article 6 of French Law n° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on Confidence in the digital economy, users of the www.uby-group.com website are informed of the identity of the various stakeholders for its execution and updating:

Owner, webmaster:

UBY whose equity is 19 855 700 € and registered in the Paris Commerce registrar under number 900 305 012. It is headquartered at 24 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris



Website host:

OVH, société par actions simplifiée au capital de 10 059 500 € et inscrite au RCS de Lille sous le numéro 424 761 419 00045 ayant son siège au 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix

Personal data protection

All personal data present on this web site are protected by the French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004.
You have a right to access, amend, request not to disclose or delete personal data upon written request to UBY, 24 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris.


Cookies are files downloaded to your hard drive by the server of the website you are browsing.

UBY uses cookies in order to (i) analyse the visiting figures and measure the audience share of its site by collecting data relating to your browsing, and carry out random user satisfaction surveys of the site, and (ii) to enable you to use the social network sharing features. The information collected by UBY, using these cookies is anonymised, the only aim being to measure and analyse the visits to its website and to satisfy users. This information is used exclusively by UBY and is in no case shared with other third parties or connected with other information.

Main cookies used by UBY website

The cookies used by UBY website are placed by our website or by a third party website. These cookies may be session cookies (which are deleted automatically when the browser is closed) or persistent cookies (which remain stored on your device until they expire).

The cookies used on UBY website have a maximum life span of 13 months.

UBY mainly uses cookies for the following:

1) Google Analytics is a tool for analysing visitor interactions on websites, providing a set of data and a service for monitoring visitor behaviour on websites. When you browse our site, we use cookies to monitor and receive anonymous data on your search activities within in our website. The Google Analytics tool helps us to improve your on-line experience and the user-friendliness of our web site. In no way is it a means to gather personal information about you. Furthermore, it does not access information in your user profile.


2) Social media site sharing cookies, placed by services such as Viadeo or LinkedIn, that enable social media site users to share content found on our website on these sites.


If you deactivate cookies, UBY website will function normally, but it will be impossible to use the social network sharing features.

Whatever settings you select, you may choose to deactivate or reactivate cookies at any time.


You may also configure your browser to notify you of the cookies that are placed on your device, and then ask you to accept them or not. You may either accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis or refuse them systematically.