UBY Safe
monitoring for worker
health and safety

Track the position of employees in real time for instant counting by zone and avoid dangerous situations

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Benefits for your projects

Instantly locate all staff by zone on the operation

Avoid safety breaches on your worksite

Receive alerts in case of dangerous situations

A variety of applications

Counting staff

Receive an instant count of staff on every zone on your operation

Count per category of employees (management, operations…)

Count per trade

Count per zone, time slot…

Filling rate

Guarantee worker security with instant filling rate for each zone

Ensure compliance with security guidelines

Be alerted in case specific zone density is exceeded

Steer search and rescue operations in case of an incident

Loca­tion of workers

Real time information on worker location on your operation

Follow movements, entries into specific zones, exits from zones

Optimise distribution of teams and equipment

Intrusion alarm

Be notified if unauthorised persons enter a certain area

Set access rights

Define alert scenarios

Receive analyses and custom reports

The UBY Safe platform

Track indicators and alerts on a single platform

Get real-time information about:

Position of all workers on the entire site (per landing, per zone)

Staff counting per zone and per sub-contractor

Intrusion alerts in restricted access zones

The filling rate or refuges (especially for tunnel boring)

Automatic and customised reports;

Real-time display of sensor status (connection, power supply, etc.)

Main features

Our on-site geolocation solutions provide data indoors and outdoors so you can :

Get a precise and instant count of staff in case of an evacuation

Set access controls for sensitive areas

Locate isolated workers

Receive an alert when zone staff density is exceeded

Cutting-edge indoor-location technologies

The UBY Safe solution is based on Wirepas Mesh and/or Bluetooth LE proximity detection technologies, which operate both indoors and outdoors.

Zones are defined on the worksite using anchors or gateways. Each employee is equipped with a mobile sensor (tag) that emits a signal at regular intervals. The tag is recognized as being positioned close to a fixed sensor, which communicates the tag’s identifier to the platform to deduce its position.

Our UBY Safe references

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